Christmas in the Covid-19 times: here’s how to be there for others with intimate and authentic gift ideas

Welcome back to my blog. In this post I would like to share some ideas and gift ideas for this 2020 Christmas. In fact, this is the second step towards Little Christmas, a Christmas made of authentic little things!

Last week we discussed how to get ready for this strange and unexpected Christmas by getting back in touch with ourselves and with the intrinsic beauty of the simplest things. 

Today I would like to give you some tips on how to be there for others, for the people you care for and for whom you have deep feelings. We probably won’t be physically close to all of them, but we can be present with a gift. 

“Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift. That is why it’s called the present”  (Master Oogway – Kung Fu Panda)

2020 Christmas gift idea number one: Send a Letter

Handwriting a letter is now quite uncommon, but the emotion you feel when you receive it isn’t out of fashion. A romantic gesture, surprising, that takes time and effort to be perfect. From the envelope, to the paper and pen with which to write it. Not to mention the message, personal and touching.

Letters are definitely more intimate and warm than a whatsapp message or email.  They are kept for years inside a drawer or in the precious things box and then re-emerge after years to revive the same emotions felt the first time.

My first 2020 Christmas gift idea is just this: write a letter to your loved ones! 

This year, I too, with the precious collaboration of those who write artistically and professionally I have written letters to my dear ones

“emotion doesn’t need much, just a heartfelt word, a thought, a long hug made of writing paper. That’s why this year the kisses smell of paper and the words taste of ink… be there.” Grigio Cielo Studio

2. Say it with a Flower

Also the second 2020 Christmas gift ideas looks like a vintage idea! 

Do you still present flowers? The digital world of vouchers and express delivery can still perceive the scent of flowers? Do you have time to wait for the unique and personal preparation of a flower composition? 

I shared my thoughts with Alice Carbognin, friend and flower stylist, who with infinite pleasure confirmed that her store in the center of Milan continues to work relentlessly.

So, fortunately, I am not the only one who believes that gifting a flower is not only a sign of extreme gallantry and elegance, but also has a strong symbolic value. Perfect and I would say, almost necessary, now more than ever!

So here are the fragrant and romantic gift ideas for Little Christmas:

A classic door wreath made with a silver-plated pine base and decorative elements such as cinnamon, anise, orange, pine cones, Nordic moss, little roses and golden baubles! Its circle shape stands for eternity, symbolizes the sun and the earth and is a gift for good luck.

A centerpiece made with natural colors and elements: the green color of hope and nature, the red for fire and passion and finally white, for the snow! Donating a centerpiece represents giving a touch of elegance and richness to the table of the festivities and therefore also indirectly participate in the Christmas banquets.

An Amaryllis bulb, symbol of rebirth. After flowering, by transplanting the same bulb in the ground, the plant will grow again every season!

3. Create a memory in a little magic corner

Children are a central part and the pure essence of Christmas!

Whether you have children (kids, grandchildren, little brothers and sisters) or are lucky enough to work with them, or you don’t live with them every day, seeing the world with their eyes is a gift that we owe to ourselves and that we can give to those we love!

That’s why my third 2020 Christmas gift ideas is to present an eternal memory through a sincere and genuine picture, in a little magic corner! Many photographers in this period prepare Christmas sets for children, but why not give a moment like this to an entire family or even just an adult?

Elisa Trusso, in her studio, narrates through her shots moments of lightheartedness, joy and sweetness. And so I went there with my family, my daughters… and even by myself! I sat down in a corner of light and simplicity and felt like a child

The last gift idea for Christmas 2020

The last gift idea for Christmas 2020 was born from the thought of the bride and groom who have been living for months with doubts, fears, anger and sadness thinking about their wedding day, so long awaited and too many times postponed. 

It is true, you haven’t chosen a lucky year to get married, but 2020 is the best year to love each other deeply. Have you ever thought that if your union has overcome the uncertainty and pain of this year it is really sound?

I have assisted many couples on their journey of awareness towards their marriage, and this year I can say that I have witnessed some breakups. Breakups not because of Covid-19. Separations due to a state of dissatisfaction and conflict underlying the couple that had been underestimated, but in the face of a very complex period has surfaced.

However, let’s talk instead about the couples who showed an absolute harmony, those who in the difficulties renewed their promises and listened to the real motivations behind their decision to get married.

4. Present a “moment of love”

To them and to all those who have followed this path in 2020 I would suggest to treat themselves to a moment of pure love!

So I thought about video stories, such as those of Gilda Fontana in an engagement session. So whether it is an engagement or a family moment, with a home-made video story or in a cherished place, what you feel and remain is the freedom and authenticity of your feelings!

Lastly, regarding gifts, I would also like to let you think about this. Never stop believing that you will make your dream come true. Actually, make the most of this time and this Little Christmas to get to the heart of the dream and the desire to get married! Get to your wedding with awareness, I am here for you!

Tania Costantino – Full Service Wedding Planner in Sicily