Marriage after Covid-19 will be a real celebration of true love. Have a look at the article and discuss with me why.
Marriage and Covid-19: how many questions have been haunting the 2020 newlyweds for weeks! When will the weddings start again? Will we be able to get married in 2020? What restrictions will there be on our wedding day? Here are a few questions that no one yet has a definitive answer to.
Over the last few weeks, thousands of newlyweds have been living in a state of constant anxiety, reeling in doubts and fears that they don’t know how to deal with. While waiting to hear official updates from the government, we know that in Italy the issue of the planning of weddings after Covid-19 is also being tackled. This could provide the entire wedding industry with general guidelines on how to deal with it.
It is therefore my responsibility to wait for official decisions in order to take the bride and groom into a structured phase of re-planning that takes into account the way the services are used (i.e. catering) that will be outlined by the government.
Nowadays, however, the added value of a professional in the sector is certainly that of being able to guide their couples in facing uncertainty with lucidity and confidence and offer them different readings of the current situation.

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I would like to tell you why I am confident that marriages after Covid-19 will be special, “conscious marriages”, referring to the deepest and most intimate meaning of consciousness.
So let’s start by trying to better understand what marriage means on a psychological and social level in Western culture.
Behind the psychic development of individuals and the construction of a natural balance is the importance of satisfying needs. According to the well-known theory of Maslow’s Pyramid of Needs, the human being, after having fulfilled physiological and security needs, seeks to satisfy the need of belonging. That is, the individual tries to enter into solid and continuous affective and social relationships. They seek affiliation and in this aspect marriage is certainly a very reassuring condition.
However, it should be emphasized that throughout history the meaning of marriage has changed in line with social and cultural changes. This is why today the motivations that lead to marriage are very different from the past.

The meaning of yesterday’s marriage
We all know that in the distant past people married to preserve the lineage, for political and economic reasons. The marriage was arranged, so it was not a personal choice but was generally forced by the head of the family.
In a more recent past, however, the main motivation that led to marriage was cultural. Marriage was socially conceived as a rite of passage into adulthood. With marriage, in fact, one left the original family nucleus and entered a new home, a new family now legitimized to establish itself.
It is in this historical dimension that marriage has taken on the typically fairy-tale romantic character. The fragile and needy princess who meets her Prince Charming ready to save her and protect her in an eternal “and lived happily ever after”.
Today’s marriage
Nowadays in Western culture, marriage is a free choice. We can choose who to marry, how, when. We get married because we want the other to be an integral part of our life, because we want to achieve new projects together.
Marriage is therefore a concrete choice with a high symbolic value and depends on the balance of the relationship between the partners in an absolutely equal psychic as well as social relationship.
Marriage is the starting point for a couple’s life, for new projects, for new balances. But if we look at it from an individual point of view it should be the point of arrival of a solid mind, aware and happy of its own choices.
“Fall in love with yourself, with life and then with whoever you want” wrote Frida Kahlo. The ability and deep willingness of two individuals to bring together and respect their individual characteristics in a couple’s relationship is certainly the true romance of a marriage these days.

Marriage after covid-19
What happened to the 2020 couples? They celebrated the beginning of the year full of love and joy for the realization of their upcoming dream of love. Then they found themselves cursing the same year that kept them apart and tossed them into sadness and uncertainty.
These couples found themselves defending their choice and their feelings in the face of a situation that no one could have predicted or even imagined. They consciously or unconsciously displayed tolerance, patience and above all resilience.
What is resilience in psychology?
“In psychology, resilience is a concept that stands for the ability to cope positively with traumatic events, to positively reorganize one’s life in the face of difficulties, to rebuild oneself by remaining sensitive to the positive opportunities that life offers, without alienating one’s identity. Resilient people are those who, surrounded by adverse circumstances, are able, in spite of everything and sometimes against all odds, to cope effectively with adversities, to give new impulse to their existence and even to reach important goals”.
That is why I believe that marriage after Covid-19 will be deeply conscious. The future spouses who in these weeks of anxiety, fear and questions continue to believe in their marriage are the ones who are grasping its deepest value.
In this period many couples are contacting me for support in managing the postponement of their wedding, but also look for advice on how to deal with uncertainty and finding new perspectives.
What is striking me about some of them is their smile and the calm within the chaos given by the reassuring certainty of having the main answer: we are getting married!
So my dearest newlyweds, my most sincere advice is to #restartfromwithin also to build on the outside and plan. And, if you need me, I’m here!
Tania Costantino – Full Service Wedding Planner in Sicily
Photo Credits: Artem Beliakin; Dominika Roseclay