Italian wedding insurance: cancellation and unforeseen events

Italian wedding insurance: cancellation and unforeseen events

Last year showed us how quickly events can turn, is there any Italian wedding insurance that can protect the spouses in cancellation, change of date or unexpected events? Of course, yes!

In this article, I will discuss what a wedding insurance policy can cover and the advantages of including it in your event budget for your big day in Italy.

I won’t name particular companies because the wedding professional you have selected will find the best policy to match your needs. As you may have understood, when it comes to insurance and bureaucracy in general, it is always better to have an expert by your side – and I am totally at your service!

Let’s start with the guarantees that Italian wedding insurance can include protecting your dream marriage in Italy.

Wedding cancellation: the most frequent case

This guarantee is typically included in the policies of any company. It provides the possibility of cancelling the wedding at any time before the celebration, up to the day of the event itself!

In this case, the conditions allowed for the refunded cancellation of the ceremony are illnesses or injuries of the spouses – which hopefully will never occur.

The most exciting part of this insurance for 2021 couples is that it is also valid in case of positivity to Covid19 of one of the spouses. The marriage cannot be celebrated due to the mandatory quarantine, but the spouses and their investments will be protected.

The deductible varies according to the policies but is set at around € 50,000, covering multiple expenses. From the beautician to the dresses, from the choristers to the wedding gifts, passing through locations, car, catering, and everything related to a wedding event that can come to your mind.

There are several cases that the insurance coverage does not include within the cancellation reasons giving the right to a refund. Still, I will not talk about them in detail since they are different from policy to policy. I just mention that some policies do not cover, for example, any cancellations resulting from new government restrictions for Covid19.

For this, it is crucial to rely on a wedding professional who knows how to guide you in the right choice!

Italian wedding insurance: cancellation of the honeymoon

Another significant insurance in this season is the one offered regarding the honeymoon.

Last year, many spouses who get married found themselves having to cancel or postpone their honeymoon. If you don’t have any of the coverage offered by tour operators – for instance, because you have organized the trip autonomously – this guarantee could be really essential.

In this case, we are talking about illness – including Covid19 positivity – or injury of the spouses. But also of natural disasters – like earthquakes or floods in the planned holiday places – and theft of documents that make departure impossible.

I can confirm that these last two events are not so rare. I think of the many newlyweds who last year found themselves having to change their honeymoon plan because of the fires in Australia and California!

Therefore, this is helpful wedding insurance too.

Personal assistance: wedding and honeymoon

The coverage of the honeymoon in most of the policies is not limited to the cancellation of the trip. Still, it provides personal assistance to the spouses even during the holiday period. I talk about all those circumstances in which health care service abroad may be needed.

An important policy, in case of travel to areas where healthcare is private – such as Australia or the Arabian Emirates. In these countries, even minor accidents could turn out a high cost!

Let’s think of a simple sunburn, a sprain, or a wound to be treated.

It is always better to have coverage with dedicated staff – in your language ​​- to be contacted if needed!

Third-party liability insurance

This clause is one of those that are often underestimated but which are really important. What am I talking about?

This Italian wedding insurance covers all damages unintentionally caused to third parties by people, things, or animals due to an accidental event connected with the marriage celebration.

Example: one of your guests falls tripping over a cable of the event’s musicians’ sound system. This fall and any health consequences could be fully covered by the insurance. A possibility not to be underestimated!

This type of policy often includes another coverage, which can be helpful: legal protection. This clause ensures the intervention of a lawyer – and covers the costs – to deal with any legal problems related to the wedding event.

Marriage insurance and home assistance: a winning combination

I have to be honest; the completeness of some insurance coverage has impressed me too. As I always say, everyone is a professional in his field! As a wedding planner, I never thought I’d find this coverage within Italian wedding insurance! Instead, it could be precious.

I am thinking above all of those couples who will spend their wedding night sleeping for the first time in their newly renovated home. We know well that as soon as the works are finished, there could always be some unforeseen events. To offer peace of mind to newlyweds, some marriage policies also include dedicated assistance for any needs at home. A type of coverage that is sometimes extended up to 90 days after the wedding date!

These insurances include the intervention of electricians, plumbers, and locksmiths to quickly solve the most disparate household problems from a water leak to a short circuit, from lost keys to theft. In short, with a policy like this, you can live the first three months as married in complete peace!

Your peaceful big day

Italian wedding insurance is something you don’t think about when organizing, focusing on the typical characteristics of the big day: beautiful locations in Italy, exquisite food, favours and stationery. 

But such an important event, with an equally important budget, needs guarantees: better to live it in a whole relaxed mood!

In this case, a professional wedding planner will advise you on the best solution for your needs. 

A state of relaxation that begins before the wedding, with the various coverage for sickness and cancellation, extends during the honeymoon and ends almost three months after the wedding day.

Have you ever thought about taking out an insurance policy for your wedding in Italy?  Even if you live abroad, as an expert wedding planner, I can stipulate an Italian insurance policy for your event. Pay attention: usually, this is not possible due to the residence abroad!

If you want to know the details and evaluate this opportunity, I am at your complete disposal!

Tania Costantino – Full Service Wedding Planner in Sicily

Ph Credits: Edward Cisneros; Carly Rae Hobbins ;  mulugeta wolde; Khamkéo Vilaysing; Fernando Gago;  Jonathan Borba; Victoria Priessnitz 

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